Let’s PREVENT Injuries Before They Start….Here’s How!

As the weather gets warmer, naturally, we get outside more frequently, play some sports and become more active. Unfortunately, without the correct form, knowledge or preparation, sometimes more activity means more injury.


Below are some common injuries that can occur during outdoor activities and how you can focus on injury prevention!


  1. Ankle sprains:

Whether you are hiking, walking, going for a jog or even playing a sport, it is very common to “twist your ankle.” When the bottom of your foot turns in (inversion) or when your ankle collapses inward (eversion), you can cause damage to the ligaments of your ankle. This can lead to bruising, swelling and pain in your ankle

    • How can you avoid it?
      • Balance training, ankle strengthening exercises, wearing the proper footwear, taping your ankle or using a brace.


2. Plantar fasciitis:

Sharp pain at the bottom of your foot or in your heel that is especially sore first thing in the morning or when walking without shoes. It can be caused by an increase in activity, flat or rigid feet, poor shoe support, running on uneven surfaces and more.

    • How can you avoid it?
      • Wear shoes with good support, land evenly on the middle of your foot, stretch/strengthen your calves, try orthotics in your shoes.


3. Shin Splints:

Lower leg pain that occurs below the knee on the front or outside part of the leg. Most commonly occurs when runners/walkers abruptly change their workout intensity/frequency.

    • How can you avoid it?
      • Stretch your calves, wear running compression socks, follow a plan to gradually increase your workout intensity.


4. Tennis/Golfer’s Elbow:

Inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles to the outside of the elbow (tennis elbow) or inside of the elbow (golfer’s elbow). It can be caused due to repetitive gripping without a neutral wrist and overuse of the forearm muscles.

  • How can you avoid it?
    • Correct hitting technique, proper/soft grip, forearm stretching, forearm strengthening.

Don’t let these common injuries stop you from being ACTIVE!

If you believe you are suffering from any of these common injuries, call Fortius Physiotherapy in our Niagara, Fort Erie or Thorold locations to have our highly trained sport physiotherapists assess you and determine an appropriate treatment plan to get you back to your pain-free activity. Enjoy the sunshine!!

Eric Haslam, RKin