Pitching Power: Strengthening Your Shoulder for Baseball Success

Baseball pitchers rely heavily on the strength and stability of their shoulders to deliver powerful and accurate throws. Whether you're a seasoned pitcher or just starting out, a robust shoulder is essential for optimizing performance and reducing the risk of injury. Fortius Physiotherapy would like to provide effective strategies and exercises to strengthen your shoulder and enhance your pitching prowess on the mound.

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Powering Performance: Glute and Hip Strength for Soccer Players

Soccer is a sport that demands agility, speed, and explosive power, all of which rely heavily on the strength and stability of the hips and glutes. Strong glute and hip muscles not only enhance athletic performance but also reduce the risk of injury on the field. In this blog, Fortius Physiotherapy will explore the importance of glute and hip strength for soccer players and share effective exercises to help you maximize your strength and power on the pitch.

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10 Ways to MOVE Your Body

There are numerous ways to move your body. The key is to keep it fun and enjoyable. Fortius Physiotherapy staff loves to see our patients active in any way!! Tania Mannella, DPT wanted to offer you 10 different, FREE activities that involve physical movement, so you can LOVE your body!

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10 Ways To LOVE Your Body

At Fortius Physiotherapy, we feel it is important for everyone to know how to LOVE themselves. Loving your body is an important aspect of overall well-being. Here Tania Mannella, DPT gives us 10 ways to cultivate self-love and appreciation for your body:

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Walk Your Way to Better Health!

Walking may be one of the most powerful “medicines” available

I believe that walking is the most underrated form of exercise! The benefits of walking are overwhelming. As a physiotherapist at Fortius Physiotherapy, it is the one exercise that I tend to suggest for a vast amount of patients to improve their health. There are so many helpful components to walking that people are not aware of and that is why I would be happy to list just a few of those benefits for you today.

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Staying Active During Pregnancy


I have just reached the third trimester of my pregnancy and I’m thankful and happy to say that I have been feeling good throughout! It is quite amazing what the human body can do and how your body changes and adjusts to make sure that little baby is safe and healthy.

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Is Cycling For You?


Cycling is my passion…. Whether it is yours or you are new to exercise, cycling is great for anyone of any age.  Here in Niagara we are blessed with wonderful countryside including but not limited to the Great Lakes, Niagara escarpment and our many wineries.

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Exercise from the Inside Out

Often times in Physiotherapy, we see a lot of cheaters. Cheaters are individuals who use the wrong muscles to complete an exercise or task. This is because the body has the tendency to ‘like to cheat’, in other words the body will automatically carry out the activity the easiest way. In physiotherapy we call them compensatory patterns.

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Do you experience pain in your face or jaw?

This pain that you are experiencing could be related to your temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This is the hinge joint that allows you to open and close your mouth. This pain can often be debilitating because it makes eating, chewing, brushing your teeth difficult and can even keep you from getting a good night’s rest.

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