The tape is designed to mimic the thickness, weight and elasticity of our skin. There is no latex in its make up, it is breathable and water resistant. It can be worn up to 5 days. The elasticity that is built into the weave pattern of the tape allows it to support and stabilize the tissue without effecting your range of motion.
The tape provides therapeutic effects by either providing structural support or by reducing the patient’s sensation of pain. This is dependent on how the tape is applied to the body.
The tape also lifts the skin away from the muscle it is applied to, so that all of the small veins and capillaries can run freely bringing increased blood flow and oxygen to the injured tissue to promote faster healing and recovery.
On a neurosensory level it helps to normalize neurological signaling that occurs after an injury or as result of chronic pain.
The tape is also used to decrease tissue swelling by directing fluid away from injury site to be flushed through your bodies natural processes.
Treating soft tissue injuries from work, leisure, sports or everyday life
Supporting weak tissues, by "waking" up fatigued muscles and supporting joints while allowing it to move freely
Re-educating muscles that have lost function or have become comfortable with poor functional patterns
Enhancing performance by preventing injuries, increasing blood flow to muscles being used and help with muscle activation
Please note that the tape is very seldom used as the only treatment for an injury. It works best in conjunction with physiotherapy.