Functional Capacity Evaluations are usually ordered by physicians, employers, case managers, imsurance companies or lawyers to provide information on clients capacities to go back to work.
The FCE is conducted by our Registered Kinesiologist who has specific certification in conducting functional capacity evaluations. The Kinesiologist will test your functional capacities and limitations by using testing protocols that are evidence based. The results will determine the clients physcial abilities required to perform work in a specific occupation and or current functional abilities.
Gross mobility tolerances (stooping, kneeling, crouching)
Reaching abilities (low level reaching, forward reaching and overhead reaching)
Agility tolerances (balance/coordination and stair climbing)
Manual dexterity (gripping. pinching, handling)
Static strength (pushing and pulling)
Non-material handling ( bending, squating, and reaching)
Material handling (bending, lifting, squating and carrying with weight)
Postural tolerances (sitting, standing and walking)
Range of motion
Manual muscle testing
Functional Capacity Evaluations generally take between two and six hours to complete depending on the information required by the company requesting the assessment to be done. A detailed report is written at the end of the assessment.